Revel Guest Post: Reveling in the Classics by Jennifer Dow

Revel Guest Post: Reveling in the Classics by Jennifer Dow

I am really, really excited about this month’s guest post. Jennifer Dow, who blogs at Expanding Wisdom has written about ‘Reveling in the Classics.’  A part of my vocation as a Classical Christian Educator is to teach my children to wrestle with and understand classic literature.  I have learned -I keep learning- how my attitudes…

Wednesdays with Words: Widely, but With Discernment

Wednesdays with Words: Widely, but With Discernment

In Chapter 1 of Consider This, Karen Glass writes about Charlotte Mason and her development as a Educational Philosopher. The reader might not think a chapter such as this would hold nuggets of philosophy to consider.  The reader would be wrong. Glass shows from Mason’s own writings how she was able to read widely, delve…

Book Review: Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C O’Brien (Family Read Aloud)

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O’Brien My rating: 3 of 5 stars Own. We read this as a family over the past several months.  All of us enjoyed it pretty well.  We found a lot to discuss in this book: stealing, learning, dangers, friendships, service to others.  We had some…