The Simple Woman’s Daybook for May (MAY!?!) 2, 2016
For Today… Outside my window…. it’s that glowy kind of stormy dark sky that I love. I am thinking… about the RAR webinar on Shakespeare I’m about to join. I am thankful… for all the work of the RAR peeps to put these events on. I am wearing… Buckeye pajamas. I am creating… lists. Lots…

Podcast Addicted: What Should I Read Next? with Anne Bogel
Last week’s Podcast Addicted featured Read-Aloud Revival and building a family culture of books. One of Sarah’s guests this season was Anne Bogel, of Modern Mrs. Darcy fame. On that episode, Anne and Sarah talked about making time to be a reader even as a busy parent. The book slinging was fantastic. On her blog,…
Family Read Aloud Review: The Green Ember (Audio Book)
The Green Ember by S.D. Smith My rating: 4 of 5 stars We enjoyed this audiobook as a family. I had encouraged the children to try to read the ebook version on several occasions, but they didn’t get very far. I won a copy of the audiobook and started it on a long cartrip….

Wednesdays with Words: Fine Balance
I have, perhaps, gushed too much about Sarah Mackenzie’s book Teaching from Rest. I’ve quoted it a number of times: twice before on Wednesdays with Words (To Those Ends, Surrender … Take On), just this past Monday on my Daybook, and you can’t forget Instagram where I snapped a pic of the page I was on…

Homeschool Mom & Reader Toolkit
Back in the fall, Brandy shared her Toolbox, her mobile command center. In that post she asked if we had one and what it was like. I immediately loved the idea as I’d been using a canvas bookbag, but I wanted something different than a shower caddy. At Anna’s, I saw that she has a…

Our Weekly Amble for August 31 through September 4, 2015
September?! Say it isn’t so! We had a good week. Most of the time. That’s the joy of writing a weekly review like this. The moments can be frustrating. Seriously frustrating. Our plans and idyllic imaginings can get derailed as we deal with the issues and frustrations of living and learning with the same people…

Wednesdays with Words: Crowd of Wonders
We have continued to enjoy Robinson Crusoe together as a family. Well, most of us. One of the girls keeps asking when it will get exciting, so we try to explain it to her. I’ve been thinking about wonder in relationship to learning and loving and living a God fearing life recently and couldn’t pass…

Wednesdays with Words: Deliverance
There are gems to be found in a reading from Robinson Crusoe and they always surprise me and make me think. So often we think sin and affliction are inexorably tied together, one and the same. But Defoe cuts those lines so we see clearly that while our affliction may result from our sin, God’s…

Dawn and Heather Read Together: Own Your Life – Introduction
Many moons ago, not very far from me, I had a wonderful friend who had two toddler/ preschoolers and a six-month old. I had a newborn. We went to the same church and my husband and I moved to a home in the same town where this young mom lived. I planned to homeschool. She…