Attend! Eyes and Ears

Attend! Eyes and Ears

I’m so glad this is Leap Year so I had an extra day to think about what I’ve learned about Attend! this month. Certainly the way we most often use Attend! is in the sense of paying attention. Where we notice, perceive, behold, and otherwise take in information through the use of our senses, particularly our…

Revel in Jesus

Revel in Jesus

I’ve been reading 1 Peter 1 for a few days, and will do so for a few days more. In September, I started to read some of the single chapter books of the Bible on repeat for a week at a time.  Then, I decided to do 1 Peter, reading a chapter a week (or…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 28, 2015

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 28, 2015

For Today… the last Monday in September … Outside my window… it’s cloudy but warming up quickly. I am thinking… about my 31 Days series. I have it all written and the posts scheduled, I need 4 pictures to complete it. Feeling pretty positive! I am thankful… for my church! We had two international doctoral students profess…

ebook cover

I Am, I Can, I Ought, I Will: Charlotte Mason’s Motto Explained for Upper Elementary Students

As many of you who have followed our story know, we changed from straddling the fence between a WTM and Charlotte Mason style of education to CM-only, using the AmblesideOnline curriculum.  It was a big change, and it was a good one. Because my children were older, I thought they could use some help seeing…