Wednesdays with Words: Magical
I’m still thinking about quotes from convention. One of my favorites was from Dr. Perrin of Classical Academic Press. I’m certain you’re all shocked. But perhaps the quote will shock you a little. In his presentation on the importance of play, Dr. Perrin spoke eloquently on play being a partner to paideia in learning. The…

Podcast Addicted: What Should I Read Next? with Anne Bogel
Last week’s Podcast Addicted featured Read-Aloud Revival and building a family culture of books. One of Sarah’s guests this season was Anne Bogel, of Modern Mrs. Darcy fame. On that episode, Anne and Sarah talked about making time to be a reader even as a busy parent. The book slinging was fantastic. On her blog,…

2016 HSC Reflections: People, Purchases, Presentations
I had such an amazing time at the Cincinnati Great Homeschool Convention last weekend. The first great thing, of course, were the people. I saw a lot of old friends – including the friend who introduced me to the idea of homeschooling yet didn’t know I blogged. I saw people from home; people I’ve met…

Wednesdays with Words: Coax Those Dreams
Then spring came. Not all of a sudden; it had to fight winter off. But the sun, hidden and helpless for many weeks behind heavy clouds, was riding high again and it was helping spring against winter. By the end of March they won the fight, spring and sun. We are reading A Tree for…

Podcast Addicted: Read-Aloud Revival
So, I’m pretty certain RAR needs no introduction. It is, however, the podcast that addicted me to podcasts, so certainly deserves a place in this series. I was cleaning children’s bedrooms, and had to have something to listen to and decided to try out Read Aloud Revival. I powered through all that were available at…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for Monday, April 4, 2016
For Today… Square Root Day Outside my window…. there is snow falling from the sky. In April. Ugh. I am thinking… about the homeschool convention and all that I learned there. I am thankful… for time spent with friends and family learning about my vocation. I am wearing… black sweatpants and Buckeye hoodie. Did I mention it’s…

A Little Light Housekeeping
I’ve begun a new Facebook page for ladydusk. I try not to inundate you with stuff in the feed, but would love to interact there. If you would to too, please “like” my page. I’m heading out for GHC in the morning. I’m so excited! I was remembering My Conference Essentials. Then I was reminded…

Wednesdays With Words: Faith containeth Truth
Faith containeth Truth. What an odd phrase. We generally think of Faith and Truth more as companions, alongside Love (or perhaps Charity dependent upon your translation and tradition). Please forgive my slow brainedness, I typed Truth, I was thinking Hope, and now it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Oh, well, the passage is still…