The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 20, 2015
For Today… April 13, 2015 Outside my window… it is that blue, not quite black of te start of night. I am thinking… that starting lessons up again is hard but worthwhile. I am thankful… for the ladies in my church. For my friend who kindly watches my kids when I have dental work done and pray for me….

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 6, 2015
For Today… April 6, 2015 Outside my window… it is a dark and stormy night. I am thinking… about spring activities for my kiddos. I am thankful… that soccer was canceled tonight because two of the children are sick and I didn’t want to have to figure out how to take just one while Jason had a…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for March 9, 2015
FOR TODAY Outside my window… the sun is rising. The clouds are rose pink and light orange and yellow. Lovely. I am thinking… about love as a verb; as a choice; as a means of bonding a people together. But neither the emotion nor the verb that has co-opted the Biblical meaning. I am thankful… for the faithful…

Our Weekly Amble for March 2-6, 2015
Before this week I would have written that I liked essentially everything about six weeks on, one week off routine. I found something I don’t like: the first week back. It is surprising how quickly good habits about doing lessons can go by the wayside with one week off. The week wasn’t terrible by any…

From the Mind of M-girl: A “Souper” Supper
M-girl has asked if on occasion she can write some posts for the blog. Who am I to say no? (Oh, her mommy and the owner of ladydusk) I won’t say no because I think it’s a grand idea! She’s 10 years old, loves to read, is excited about cooking once a week, loves words…

Our Weekly Amble for February 16-20, 2015
We have officially finished our first half-term of six weeks. What a great first term it has been. Don’t get me wrong, we have had token fighting over school work and bad attitudes have been righted on a daily basis. There is still a lot of detraining of bad habits to be done and retraining…

Keeping Company: Words and Themes
Celeste asked us to share our favorite place of Commonplace Keeping. I love keeping a Commonplace for a couple of disparate reasons. First, I love keeping Words. If you’re new around here, you may not know that every Wednesday I post a linkup called “Wednesdays with Words.” Cindy Rollins graciously allowed me to take over…