2015 Homeschool Changes: Narration Changes

2015 Homeschool Changes: Narration Changes

One of the similarities between Charlotte Mason and WTM is the idea of narration.  One of the big differences is how narration is done. We have done written narration as one sentence per “grade” in school for each reading.  So, first graders write one sentence.  Third graders write three.  We’ve done this for literature, science,…

2015 Homeschool Changes: To Ambleside or not to Ambleside

2015 Homeschool Changes: To Ambleside or not to Ambleside

So, here’s the first “I’m not really sure yet” post. I told you yesterday that I’ve long been intrigued by/interested in/drawn to Ambleside Online.  I’ve used their free reading lists and their annual booklists for free reads and read alouds. I know they ask you not to do this. I would like to continue to…