The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 4, 2013

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 4, 2013

FOR TODAY Outside my window… it was a dark and snowy night ….I am thinking… about seeing and perceiving.I am thankful… for my new little nephew!In the kitchen… we enjoyed pasta and eggplant for dinner.  Thankful for Trader Joe’s frozen eggplant on a cold, snowy night.I am wearing… black sweatsuit and Buckeye shirt.  And the…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for January 28, 2013

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for January 28, 2013

FOR TODAY Outside my window… the ground is saturated with recently melted snow.I am thinking… about Quiet Time.  Hoorah.I am thankful… for our change to adding evening service to our Sundays.  It’s extra work, but will be, I think, worth it.In the kitchen… the dishwasher needs empty after I ran it this morning.I am wearing……

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for January 21, 2013

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for January 21, 2013

FOR TODAY Outside my window… flurries!I am thinking… about taking down the Christmas village.  I forgot to take it down last year, but it’s time.I am thankful… for the work that was accomplished over the weekend.  It feels good to have the loft cleaned up and useable.In the kitchen… the dishwasher is running with yesterday’s…