Wednesdays with Words: Inculcating A Passion for Truth
I can’t get away from it. I read a bunch more pages of Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie and she digs deeper into the idea of Wonder and I thought, “This is wonderful. I must commonplace these (is that a verb now?) and may use one for Wednesdays with Words.” Yes, the parenthetical aside was…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 7, 2015
For Today… September 7, 2015 Outside my window…. the fog has burned off and the sun is in the sky. I am thinking… about the 4 Ws of Wonder-Work-Wisdom-Worship. Particularly wonder right now. I am thankful… for holidays when my husband is home for the day. I am wearing… My new Buckeye shirt. It’s gameday!…

Our Weekly Amble for August 31 through September 4, 2015
September?! Say it isn’t so! We had a good week. Most of the time. That’s the joy of writing a weekly review like this. The moments can be frustrating. Seriously frustrating. Our plans and idyllic imaginings can get derailed as we deal with the issues and frustrations of living and learning with the same people…

Revel in Wonder
It has been several months since I posted about *revel*, my 2015 word of the year. That doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about it. In April, I thought about writing Revel in Rest after the convention. Karen from living, unabridged recommended that. In May, I didn’t think about much of anything because I got sick. In…

Wednesdays with Words: Surrender … Take On
I’m very slowly (very slowly) reading Sarah Mackenzie’s Teaching from Rest. A couple of weeks ago I posted a quote from the Introduction. Now, I’m posting from early in the first chapter. Seriously, slowly. But, the ideas from her words make an impact and require mulling and turning over and over – at least for me….

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for August 31, 2015
For Today… Monday August 31, 2015 Outside my window….is that royal blue sky that indicates that it’s morning but the sun hasn’t quite risen, yet. I am thinking… about Adam and Jesus. Adam was made to have dominion, Jesus has it. Adam was sent out – his face was turned away from God, Jesus was abandoned…

Our Weekly Amble for August 24-29, 2015
We had a week that improved as it went on. It started out rough, as it often does, and improved to Friday’s excellent day. Sometimes in homeschooling that groove is important. I was so thankful that I had done planned out the week for both Circle Time and the rest of our lessons. I want the…

Wednesdays with Words: The Wild Thyme Blows
We have been reading such good things in school, working our way through Kidnapped and A Midsummer Night’s Dream in particular. I posted pictures of my commonplace book last week with quotes from both; one I liked the ideas within and the other two quotes the poetics of. I mean, the assonance and near rhyme…