2015 Homeschool Changes: Schedule Changes (Small Blocks of Time)

2015 Homeschool Changes: Schedule Changes (Small Blocks of Time)

Over the weekend, I talked about the schedule change we’ll make for the Big Blocks of Time. I want to think about the schedule change for the small blocks of time, the days and weeks, too. After prayer, discussion with my husband, discussion with trusted advisors, I’ve decided to do Year 4 of Ambleside Online…

Wednesdays with Words: Widely, but With Discernment

Wednesdays with Words: Widely, but With Discernment

In Chapter 1 of Consider This, Karen Glass writes about Charlotte Mason and her development as a Educational Philosopher. The reader might not think a chapter such as this would hold nuggets of philosophy to consider.  The reader would be wrong. Glass shows from Mason’s own writings how she was able to read widely, delve…

N-boy is NINE today

N-boy is NINE today

This is shocking to me. He is smart and musical, creative and physical. He is so very strong. He is interested in sports and building and Lego’s and Knex. He is loving watching the original Star Wars movies with his dad, they’ve watched the first two.  He read Wind in the Willows and started on…

2015 Homeschool Changes: Schedule Changes (Big Blocks of Time)

2015 Homeschool Changes: Schedule Changes (Big Blocks of Time)

We’ve always run a year-round schedule and said we’d take breaks when needed. We start our Academic Year in January, sometime after N-boy’s birthday.  We end the Friday before Thanksgiving Week. In 2015 we’re going to adopt the idea I first read about in Angelina Stafford’s article, “And on the Seventh Day God Rested: Using…

2015 Homeschool Changes: Narration Changes

2015 Homeschool Changes: Narration Changes

One of the similarities between Charlotte Mason and WTM is the idea of narration.  One of the big differences is how narration is done. We have done written narration as one sentence per “grade” in school for each reading.  So, first graders write one sentence.  Third graders write three.  We’ve done this for literature, science,…

2015 Homeschool Changes: To Ambleside or not to Ambleside

2015 Homeschool Changes: To Ambleside or not to Ambleside

So, here’s the first “I’m not really sure yet” post. I told you yesterday that I’ve long been intrigued by/interested in/drawn to Ambleside Online.  I’ve used their free reading lists and their annual booklists for free reads and read alouds. I know they ask you not to do this. I would like to continue to…