Wednesdays with Words: A Drudgery Rather Than a Delight

Wednesdays with Words: A Drudgery Rather Than a Delight

Karen Glass, in Consider This, traces the idea of literature – of grammar – in the Classical Tradition from the ancient Greeks through the Victorian age. Originally, the idea of literature had meant the necessity of reading in the Classical Languages in Latin and Greek. She shows how the idea of grammar evolved and changed…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 16, 2015

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 16, 2015

FOR TODAY Outside my window… it is bitterly cold and a little snowy.  The sky is slowly transitioning from black to grey in the east. I am thinking… about yesterday’s sermons, which were fantastic. (Morning: Our Example; Evening: Loosened Tongues) I am thankful… for my nice, warm house away away from the very cold yesterday.. I am…

Revel Guest Post: No More Mediocre Marriage: 21+ Ways to Revel in Your Marriage by Karen duBarry

Revel Guest Post: No More Mediocre Marriage: 21+ Ways to Revel in Your Marriage by Karen duBarry

I really, really wanted a post about how to *revel* in our marriages  for February, what with it posting on Valentine’s Day and all, and wow, did my friend Karen duBarry from knock it out of the park.  Jason and I have a really great marriage, but can’t we all always learn more about…