Wednesdays with Words: Rainbow Colours Thundering Sky
I think some (most, all?) of you are aware that poetry isn’t my strong suit. I want to know it better, understand it better, love it better … but I struggle. However, a book of poems as we start out for National Poetry Month seems appropriate (even if the poet is Canadian). One of my…

Reveling in Community
So, this is really the end of March’s post, but I’m glad to have waited until today to write and post it. Today, I went to the calling hours for the wife of my minister growing up. She was a lovely woman, always had a joyful smile and a word of encouragement … and often…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 6, 2015
For Today… April 6, 2015 Outside my window… it is a dark and stormy night. I am thinking… about spring activities for my kiddos. I am thankful… that soccer was canceled tonight because two of the children are sick and I didn’t want to have to figure out how to take just one while Jason had a…

Dawn and Heather Read Together: Own Your Life – Introduction
Many moons ago, not very far from me, I had a wonderful friend who had two toddler/ preschoolers and a six-month old. I had a newborn. We went to the same church and my husband and I moved to a home in the same town where this young mom lived. I planned to homeschool. She…

Wednesdays with Words: How Firm to the End
We sang “O Worship the King” during Circle Time the other day and I realized that it was what was reverberating in my mind this week, particularly the end of the fourth verse: Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, in you do we trust, nor find you to fail. Your mercies, how tender,…

Wednesdays with Words: You Then
We’ve been enjoying a “consecutive reading” of Romans during morning worship and when this passage was read, I couldn’t stop hearing the italicized passage. I know this – you know this – but Paul surrounds it with such a logical building that it took on new significance and took my breath away. But if you…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for March 23, 2015
For Today… Monday, March 23, 2015 Outside my window… it is cold and grey and sad looking for the third day of spring. I am thinking… it should not snow today, even if it’s predicted. I am thankful… for Netflix when I have a sick girl and a boy who had a tooth pulled this morning. I am…

Wednesdays with Words: A Part of Himself
Two that go together from Karen Glass in Consider This. “The proper nourishment for a living mind — the only thing which will allow the mind to reach its full potential is a diet of ideas … appetizing and varied …” pg 69 “Everything that a person learns becomes a part of himself, and as…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for March 16, 2015
FOR TODAY Outside my window… it’s still dark. But that dark that makes you know the sun shall soon be appearing over the edge of the horizon I am thinking… about Reveling in the Classics. I thought this was a great guest-post in my learning about reveling. Jennifer Dow at Expanding Wisdom did a great job!…