Reader, Walking

Fighting Gravity

 We don’t actually have a lot of real hills in Central Ohio.  I took an hour long walk in the neighborhood this morning and Strava tells me I had a 39 foot elevation gain. The local state park where we do most of our hiking has slightly more varied terrain. It’s around a reservoir and…

Revel Guest Post: No More Mediocre Marriage: 21+ Ways to Revel in Your Marriage by Karen duBarry

Revel Guest Post: No More Mediocre Marriage: 21+ Ways to Revel in Your Marriage by Karen duBarry

I really, really wanted a post about how to *revel* in our marriages  for February, what with it posting on Valentine’s Day and all, and wow, did my friend Karen duBarry from knock it out of the park.  Jason and I have a really great marriage, but can’t we all always learn more about…