2015 Blog in Review

2015 Blog in Review

What a fun year I’ve had with blogging! I started the year in 2014 introducing *revel* as my Word for the Year. The first time I did that exercise. I’ve enjoyed posting and referring and considering it throughout the year. I had wonderful guest posts from some of my favorite internet people. The Lord used…

Revel in Humanity

Revel in Humanity

Jesus became human. Think about that for a minute. Jesus, eternal creator and sustainer of all things. Eternally begotten, all power, all glory, all love from the Father, became a human. Now, I’m Reformed in soteriology. And I fully believe man is Totally Depraved. I believe that the fall was an actual event in history…

Wordless Wednesday More Yuletide Session (in reverse order) … with words

Wordless Wednesday More Yuletide Session (in reverse order) … with words

Needing homemade playdough for 3yo cousin’s gift. Pretzles, kisses or hugs, and m&ms. What could go wrong .. and all kid done! Woohoo! Mama & Papa’s tree … they use stuffed animals that play music. All the children love to play them. N-boy in top hat at millenry; R-girl stringing popcorn and cranberries in schoolhouse;…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for Christmas Week!

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for Christmas Week!

For Today… December 25, 2015 … The Monday before Christmas Outside my window…. it’s rainy and dreary.  The sun isn’t entirely up yet, I think. I am thinking… about wrapping presents. I am thankful… I finished shopping on Saturday, with three gifts to come from Amazon. I am wearing… pajamas. Kids are still abed. I…

2016 Word of the Year

2016 Word of the Year

In 2015, I chose *revel* as my word of the year. I chose the word on a whim, designed a graphic, and wrote the post. It’s been a fantastic year. I’ve learned a lot about reveling – from Candace, Karen, Jennifer, and Mystie who wrote fantastic guest posts on the topic. I learned a lot…