Wednesdays with Words: Sawdust in our Souls
If you have been reading my blog for a while, you might remember that my friend Heather and I were reading through Sally Clarkson’s Own You Life a while ago – a year? two years? (she’s since moved her blog!) I don’t really remember. It’s been a while. I keep looking at Own Your Life…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for Monday, September 12, 2016
For Today… Monday, September 12, 2016 Looking out my window … the sky looks like my son described a similar day recently, “It looks like someone took a single color and painted the whole sky with it.” I am thinking … about the rest of our day – piano lessons, grocery store, and dinner without Daddy. I…

Our Weekly Amble for August 19-September 2, 2016
Last week was the final week of our term. WooHoo! We finished strong. We walked almost every morning before school. We did Whatchamacallit every day. I’ve been very pleased with how it has been going. I love the three sections: devotions, academics, and beauty loop/read aloud. I think we’ve learned the parable of the Good…

Wednesdays with Words: The Joy of the Lord
All of us struggle. Sometimes its with our emotions, sometimes with our worries, sometimes with our family members, sometimes with our own expectations – even ones we pile upon ourselves. We were coming up on two weeks until the end of the term and I was struggling. Oh, not with anything in particular, just in…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 5, 2016
For Today… Looking out my window … it’s dark and there’s a sliver of a moon. I am thinking … about our break week. The to do list in my Google Keep is ambitious I am thankful … that we had today to do some work and enjoy some family time with friends. One of…
Book Review: The Good Master by Kate Seredy
The Good Master by Kate Seredy My rating: 4 of 5 stars Own. We read this book as our “Fun Novel” at the end of Whatchamacallit (Circle Time, Morning Time, Morning Basket, Symposium, Whatchamacallit). I loved the beautiful writing, thoughtful story, and many of the ideas presented. I was disappointed by how Romani were portrayed…

Wednesdays with Words: Leisurely, carefully, painstakingly
With Uncle Sandor and the sheperds to help him, there was very little for Father to do. One morning he brought in his woodworking tools. “We need some new chairs, Mother,” he said. Jancsi helped him find well-seasoned, dry maple planks in the woodshed. Uncle Sandor shook his head and smiled. “So you still make…

Wordless Wednesday: Painting. A Story.
What part of “if you clean up” did they not hear? 😂😂😝😝 A photo posted by dawn (@ladydusk) on Aug 30, 2016 at 7:40am PDT