Nature Study Interview at Raising Little Shoots

Lynn Seddon at Raising Little Shoots invited me to participate in her year-long series of interviews about how Nature Journaling or Nature Study looks in our family.

~ When did your first begin nature study and what got you started?
It has been a number of years since we began and we’re very uneven with our Nature Study. I found our old, incomplete books for this interview and they say 2011 on the back. One of my intentions every year (and 2017 is no different) is to spend more time doing Nature Study.  Since I learned about it in our early years of homeschooling, I thought it sounded like a good means to get me to go outside more and I really wanted my kids to have all the benefits of Nature Study. In particular, I wanted them to observe and know the world around them; to see the natural processes that God had created.

When she so graciously invited me, I told her that we were inconsistent and often did Nature Study in fits and starts.  Lynn kindly told me that many people certainly struggle as we do to go out to observe on a regular basis, that every little bit helps. It can be a real struggle to go outside and observe and study, but I was so encouraged when I wrote the post and thought through the processes and small ways we’ve learned about nature together that I want to do more and be more consistent.

I hope you’re encouraged to do the same … hop over to Lynn’s and read the rest of the interview!


  1. Oh, and thanks for the reminder in your interview that we can draw at home after the nature walk!!!! I need to do that more!

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