Our Weekly Amble for August 31 through September 4, 2015

Our Weekly Amble for August 31 through September 4, 2015

September?! Say it isn’t so! We had a good week. Most of the time.  That’s the joy of writing a weekly review like this. The moments can be frustrating. Seriously frustrating.  Our plans and idyllic imaginings can get derailed as we deal with the issues and frustrations of living and learning with the same people…

Revel in Wonder

Revel in Wonder

It has been several months since I posted about *revel*, my 2015 word of the year. That doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about it. In April, I thought about writing Revel in Rest after the convention. Karen from living, unabridged recommended that. In May, I didn’t think about much of anything because I got sick. In…