31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Day of Rest

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Day of Rest

Our family guards the Lord’s Day, Sunday, carefully.  We worship with our congregation in the morning and evening. We spend afternoons with extended family. I am not willing to give this day up for sports activities.  We need a day of rest. We remain in recreational leagues on purpose. We are always very polite about…

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Calendar & Schedule

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Calendar & Schedule

Now, to the nitty gritty.  That calendar can be a real challenge. I have three children on three soccer teams. Each team should have two games and one practice per week.  That’s nine events over the course of six days.  It’s hectic. It’s also rare that we have a day off during the six weeks…

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely:Intro and Gear Prep

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely:Intro and Gear Prep

Welcome to ‘31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely.’   If you’re new here, I thought I’d share my credentials for writing this series. I have three children, ages 10, 9, and 8.  My daughters are my bookends, just enough apart in age that they can’t ever be on the same team.  We’ve been participating…

Revel in Jesus

Revel in Jesus

I’ve been reading 1 Peter 1 for a few days, and will do so for a few days more. In September, I started to read some of the single chapter books of the Bible on repeat for a week at a time.  Then, I decided to do 1 Peter, reading a chapter a week (or…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 28, 2015

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 28, 2015

For Today… the last Monday in September … Outside my window… it’s cloudy but warming up quickly. I am thinking… about my 31 Days series. I have it all written and the posts scheduled, I need 4 pictures to complete it. Feeling pretty positive! I am thankful… for my church! We had two international doctoral students profess…

Read-Aloud Thursday: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Read-Aloud Thursday: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

It’s been a long time since I participated in Read-Aloud Thursday.  I’d like to do it more often, though.  So here’s to a fresh start. Our favorite read-aloud time is dinnertime with Daddy. We are all contained at one place. Whichever grownup is done eating first (generally me … helps me not to take seconds!)…