Read-Aloud Thursday: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

It’s been a long time since I participated in Read-Aloud Thursday.  I’d like to do it more often, though.  So here’s to a fresh start.

Our favorite read-aloud time is dinnertime with Daddy. We are all contained at one place. Whichever grownup is done eating first (generally me … helps me not to take seconds!) picks up our current read-aloud and starts the next chapter (or section if it is a long chapter).

We all like it when Daddy reads, though. I don’t really do voices and he does great ones- he does a great Hagrid.

We just finished Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.  None of us had read it. I had started it but not enjoyed the couple of pages I began. M-girl was begging me to pre-read it, so we decided to do it as a family.

We all liked it.

The book was written so each chapter ended at an exciting point, leaving us with groans for more.  The main characters – Harry, Hermione, and Ron – had enough substance to carry the story.  There was enough mystery and yet enough knowledge that things would turn out all right in the end. R-girl got a little frightened a couple of times, but reminded herself that there a re 7 books in the series so it must be ok.

I particularly liked some of the summing up in the end, where Dumbledore shows up and gives instruction,

After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure … As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all — the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them. (pg 297)

I feel a little silly writing about a book that everyone else has already read. We enjoyed it as a read-aloud.  I’ve requested book 2 from the library. I am a bit nervous about how quickly the stories may ramp up in intensity.

Don’t forget (like I did) to link up with Amy for Read-Aloud Thursday!


  1. I remember book 3 being fairly intense and they do get more intense as they go along. I think Rowling was assuming her readers were aging along with the characters so the intensity kept pace with that. Don't feel funny about reviewing them, though — I don't know how others feel, but for me it's fun reading what someone else writes then they discover for the first time an old favorite of mine.

    1. I know, it's just that this one is soooo ubiquitous that it's kind of like writing a new review of Star Wars. It's a part of a common cultural bond (in such a disjointed culture) that you are supposed to know about it. I didn't – and fantasy has long been a favorite genre of mine, so that's doubly odd. It's a weird place to be.

  2. I love how you're finding that reading aloud keeps you from taking seconds! My daughter is not even one yet, but I find that her self-feeding takes so long that I can find myself nibbling mindlessly for the entire time she's eating (which means *I'm* eating far too much). I've started reading to her once I'm done with "second breakfast" but while she's still working on it – it's served the same function for me.

    I love that you're writing about a book "everyone else has already read." While I've read this one, there are plenty of books that "everyone" has read that I'm introduced to through someone's blog – and even when I have read something, it's wonderful to see it again through new eyes (and sometimes be encouraged to re-read.)

    1. Welcome to ladydusk. Thanks for your encouraging comments. Enjoy your baby! That is such a fun time. I hope you and she enjoy many good books together! What's her current favorite?

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