Book Review: The Winter’s Tale by William Shakespeare

The Winter's TaleThe Winter’s Tale by William Shakespeare
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed the audiobook. Even “cold” with no background information or knowledge of the story, I was able to follow the main plot and characters pretty well. I wanted to read this with The Literary Life Podcast and knew that we could read this as our next play after Love’s Labour’s Lost in our homeschool, so I wasn’t trying to find nuance or detail, just follow well enough to know the main story.

There were a number of quotes I’m certain I will mark when I read and listen with the kids. I liked the way it was a princess (not a prince) who is raised by wild people, turning that bit of the story on its head. The jealousies and fears, repentance and forgiveness (but long awaited!), and miracles? The wise woman and man who protected and rebuked as deserved? I enjoyed this quite well.

Plus it was my third Audible book of 2020. [happy dance]

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