Weekly Report for August 11-15,2014

This has been a “get back to it” week. We’ve been “doing school” somewhat regularly all summer, a minimum amount – read, write, math, Latin, piano. Done. Go play outside.
This week, we added a regular wake up and start time back in. At least the first three days. I got the kids up about 7:30, they were to do their chores (get dressed, make beds, wipe bathroom, eat breakfast, brush teeth/hair). School start at 8:30, any time they had once chores were done, they got for themselves.
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we did half of Circle Time, through all our Bible work – hymns, prayer, Bible History (Peril and Peace), Catechism, and Bible with Covenantal Catechism. Monday, we made our assignment sheets. I did not assign a full schedule this week; essentially Circle Time, typing, and what we’d been doing already.
Thursday, we sought library books … and found all but two before we left the house. The children did not have fun cleaning their rooms yesterday or working on it today (and they found the two books). We had fun at our art class, though.

It was a rough week. Lord willing, our return to routine will be better next week.