Wednesdays with Words: Variation on a Theme

Last week, I wrote on a CM quote that talked about knowing glory when we see it.

Sunday, my pastor preached a baptism sermon on this passage, Psalm 90:16:

Let your work be shown to your servants,
and your glorious power to their children.

It is a reminder that as parents we must pray that the Lord will open our eyes and the eyes of our children to see and glorify Him.

I’ve been praying this before lessons this week. That our eyes will be opened that we will see and hear as we study even “mundane” (is anything mundane?) lessons like grammar (that we are even capable of communication!) and math (oh, God’s order, character, and logic!).

When we capture a glimpse of his glory, as Moses (who wrote this particular Psalm) did, our unveiled faces shine forth (2 Cor 3:18 – And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.) and we are transformed – by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:1-2)

What more could we ask for our children? We see God’s glory then we can glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

Oh, Pastor Kessler went into greater detail and deeper. I would encourage you to listen and be encouraged and to pray.

I love it when the Lord emphasizes ideas through repetition, don’t you?



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