Wednesday with Words: Unexpected Sources

A number of years ago, I devoured and adored Marilyn Chandler McEntyre’s beautiful Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies.  When I saw she had published a short book, What’s in a Phrase? Pausing Where Scripture Gives You Pause, it wasn’t hard to add it to my cart. 

I haven’t read a lot of it, but it isn’t designed to be read straight through, rather dipped into when in need of Assurance, Invitation and Admonition, or Mystery and Surprise.  She writes short (1-2 page) meditations, journal entries on passages that “catch her mind” and cause her to consider. 

I recently read her passage on Deuteronomy 8:15-16, “He .. fed you in the wilderness with manna …” (editing hers):

It takes time, I find, to recognize that what we need when our notion of what we need is confined by habit and expectation.  We may not have the money to replace an appliance, but we may have a neighbor who can fix it.  We may not have our closest friend nearby when sorrow strikes, but someone may surface from the margins of our lives with a big heart and a listening ear. Solutions may come from unexpected sources. The answer to many prayers, reinforced with every celebration of the Eucharist is simply this reminder: “You have what you need.” Take it. Eat it. There will be more. (page 6)

What a lovely thought; the God of all Heaven and Earth will provide more … Praise His name.

What are you reading this week and what has caught your mind?



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