The Simple Woman’s Daybook for September 9, 2019

For Today… September 9, 2019

Outside my window… the night is starting to fall.

I am thinking… about Education Philosophy, Anthropology, and Theology and how they fit together.

I am thankful… for Kroger Pick-Up groceries. I was able to order and pick up the week’s groceries all in a single day.

I am wearing… sweat pants and AwesomeBots shirt. Comfy.

I am creating… hmmm … I created a menu plan and grocery list. I have more things to work on but haven’t been creating like I need to.

I am going… nowhere else today. Nboy and I went to Great Clips, Walmart, and Kroger.

I am wondering… why my kids are watching Wild Kratts with their TV time LOL

I am reading… Thunder on the Right by Mary Stewart. I really like Mary Stewart for light reading. I’m alternating between her books and Barbara Pym’s – I just finished Crampton Hodnet.

I am hoping… to finish Thunder on the Right more quickly than I did Crampton Hodnet.

I am learning… about Chapter 4 of the Westminster Confession of Faith: Of Creation.

In my kitchen… Sweet Potato Waffles. Breakfast for dinner when Daddy has an evening meeting.

In the homeschool room… we’re struggling with the right time for Morning Time. We had a great week at 1pm, and then haven’t been consistent – it’s just hard to stop what we’re doing and go do MT.

A favorite quote for today… “Christians cannot do anthropology without in some way doing theology.”

A peek into one of my days… M-girl has aged out of recreational soccer, so she decided to referee. Saturday was her first game!

One of my favorite things… I do love breakfast for dinner. So, even though I don’t like that Jason isn’t home for dinner, we have a special treat and make a special memory with my kids.

Post Script Next week I need to plan and prep for traveling to California for Schole Sisters Laugh. I can’t wait to see my friends – and I’m excited to go to California for the first time ever, too. It should be an amazing time! Are you registered? Do you have a group that you’re meeting with?

For more Daybooks, check out The Simple Woman:

One Comment

  1. Hi, Dawn! I just looked you up to peek at your blog again because I am having one of those philosophy and curicula paradigm shifts – ugh, lol! Thank you for your encouraging posts! I have been reading Mere Motherhood, Cindy's Morning Time Handbook, and almost done with Consider This. I keep going over to the Ambleside website – so great but my brain is exploding, lol!

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