The Simple Woman’s Daybook for November 23, 2015

For Today… Monday, November 23, 2015

Outside my window…. it’s cooooold. We took the dog for a walk and met our friends this morning and it was soooo cccccold.  Winter coats and hats and gloves.

I am thinking… about what we want to eat this week.

I am thankful… there are several meals this week I don’t have to worry about. My parents and Jason’s parents are wonderful about opening their homes and feeding us for these holidays.

I am wearing… slightly smaller sized jeans (woohoo) than normal and a black sweater and a red blanket. Did I mention that it’s cold here?

I am creating… a bullet journal. Of course, I started it on Tuesday and am already several days behind. I can pick it up again today, though, right.

I am going… for haircuts, oil change, and groceries this afternoon. Gotta get that done early in the week …

I am wondering… how much of the children’s bedroom floors can be seen. They’re supposed to be cleaning their rooms today and tomorrow.

I am reading… Lynn Collum’s Regency Romances on Kindle Unlimited.

I am hoping… to get the kitchen and family room cleaned a lot this week so we can get a Christmas tree on Friday.

I am learning… to Work the Plan.  Over our Yuletide Session, I plan to spend some time reading and watching through the whole course. I like to get a big overview before doing the individual pieces.

In my kitchen… I haven’t cooked since Friday. Yay!

In my garden… I should be cleaning out dead stuff. It’s frozen now.

In the homeschool… We’re on break into January! I wrote about how we align our academic year with the calendar year last week.

A favorite quote for today…

A peek into one of my days… a boy and his dog waiting outside organ lessons.

One of my favorite things… our Art with Friends group. I love seeing my friends and the children love seeing their friends mid-week. We make some fun projects, too, like these pumpkins and trees:

From the board room… One way we organize our group is by a shared Pinterest board of projects or inspiration we’re considering. We usually use a curriculum, but around holidays we do themed projects like those above and sometimes we enjoy a seasonal project instead.

Post Script… Kortney at One Deep Drawer is collecting Advent ideas. She also has an Advent eBook available for subscribers that is sure to be a lovely resource.

Linking up with The Simple Woman.


  1. I love those little hand trees, so cute! Will have to park that in my memory bank for when its our time to be grandparents! Have a great week!

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