The Simple Woman’s Daybook for June 5, 2017

For Today…

Looking out my window … it’s dark and cool.

I am thinking … about getting back into routine after a crazy May and vacation.  So many things need to be done.

I am thankful … for the wonderful time we had in the Outer Banks. So thankful to spend that time with extended family.

Riding the trolley to the beach. For some reason, riding backwards is a big deal.

One of my favorite things … driving into Columbus on our way home when there’s a glorious sunset in the background.

I am wearing … jeans shorts, a sleeveless top, and one of Jason’s old dress shirts. At the softball field I had on a hoodie sweatshirt, too … and wished I had had on jeans and a blanket. The wind was chilly especially in June.

I am creating … not much of anything. It’s VBS week, so busy. Maybe friendships for my kids because I drive the bus:

I am listening to … The Homeschool Sisters podcast about screen time. I’m a little behind …

I am hoping … to walk the dog earlier tomorrow morning – and that it won’t be raining when I do so.

I am learning … more about }pacify{ … Yesterday’s sermon on Philippians 4:6-7 was exactly what I needed to hear. I hope it’ll be online soon.

In my kitchen …  I really need to go to the grocery store. And to clean out my fridge. And I’m glad I had some emergency coffee in the freezer …

In the school room … the children need to clean up. But it’s VBS this week so the school room is quiet.

In my garden … we planted some herbs in the garden boxes around my deck. I used thyme and rosemary in the frittata-like dinner I made tonight.

Post Script … Did you see Mystie’s Sweep and Smile course? If you, like me, need some hand holding for the housekeeping portion of homeschooling, I’m sure Mystie’s boot camp will be the jump start you need!

A moment from my day

Linking up with The Simple Woman.

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