The Simple Woman’s Daybook for August 19, 2013

FOR TODAY … I started this post at 7:30 this morning, and am finishing it at 8:30 pm.  I *only* needed to add the picture this morning; now I’m going to make some changes in content too … funny how days change … updates in italics.

Outside my window… it’s foggy and cool … but should warm up soon.  It did warm up, but is now cooling off … and is cooler outside my window than inside.  I’m glad to have had the windows open all day!

I am thinking…
about yesterday’s sermons. 

I am thankful…
faithful preaching by our pastors.  For Anna who with an hours’ notice watched my kiddos while I went to my chiropractor appointment.  Hooray for friends nearby!

In the kitchen…
the pantry is cleaned and straightened.  It was just tossed in, but is now organized and tidied. We had Martha Stewart’s Grilled Ratatouille Pasta for dinner.  Yum.

I am wearing…
shorts and a bright pink top.

I am creating… lesson plans.  Or I should be. I cleaned up my desk a bunch today.  That was necessary work, it looks so much better.

I am going… to the chiropractor tonight for a follow-up.  I’m feeling better, though.  Chiropractor appointment was good,  Hoping to continue feeling better.

I am wonder-ing… at God’s providence.  In Isaiah he calls upon Earth and Heaven as witnesses … the witnesses he set in Deuteronomy.  Sometimes those seemingly minor details serve to increase my wonder.

I am reading… The Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.   Sometimes.  I’m also reading Jerry Bridges’ Respectable Sins.  Is it bad that I’m enjoying the book about sin more than the other?

I am hoping… for a better day than I’m anticipating with our before breakfast manners experience. Our day improved some.  We had a reset for one child and it helped immensely.  Everyone went to bed a little earlier tonight, though.

I am looking forward to… my niece’s first birthday party on Sunday …

I am learning… How to talk the children down when they’ve lost all their control.

Around the house… the dog is shedding.  A lot.

I am pondering… vacuuming. I should just do it.  Before it gets warm this afternoon. Maybe tomorrow …

A favorite quote for today… “Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” ~Mary Oliver

One of my favorite things… our town has a wine tasting event every year and I enjoy going to it with my husband.  I look forward this date each year.

A few plans for the rest of the week…
school and a Columbus Clipper’s game.

A peek into my day…
finally, the pictures!

Kids observing the baby gorilla (11 weeks) with his surrogate nurse.  His momma didn’t accept him 🙁

R-girl’s nature journal, “We saw a baby gorilla.”

Hosted by The Simple Woman’s Daybook


  1. I still need to try that pasta recipe!

    If you get any insights about talking children down, please let me know. I have two super-prone to needing it.

  2. Mystie, my biggest insight is that I must be calm before they can be calm. I lose my cool when they don't listen because they've lost their cool.

    Second, I remove them from the situation so they can view it more clearly … away from sibling, place, things that set them off. They often see how silly they were just by being away from it.

    Finally, use that language you've developed in your family with catechism, Bible, etc. to re-center and re-focus through the gospel. I hope I'm not over-spiritualizing as Cindy warns about, but sometimes this child is just so far gone that they need some tangible thought they can grab hold of to drag back.

    And hug them. And love them. And tell them how much you love 'em even when they make bad choices. Show them you're on their team as they learn to not lose it.

    I don't know, it's taken a bunch of years to soak some of that in, and I still fail regularly.

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