The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 25, 2016

For Today…

Outside my window…. I hear birds, I see the glow of the sun, it’s going to be a beautiful day.

I am thinking… about getting back in the Circle Time groove. I think I’m going to start calling it “Whatchamacallit” because it’s a catchall term for a catchall time.

I am thankful… that I have friends who remind me that the atmosphere in my home and the getting it done is really up to me. If I’m in a slump, like I have been, I need someone to kick my pants and tell me to get in gear. Thanks, Pam!

I am wearing… jammies. I’ll get dressed soon.

I am creating… readers. Some books arrived yesterday (I forgot and ordered from Amazon on Friday argh). M-girl is halfway done with Dandelion Fire by ND Wilson and N-boy is halfway done with the new last week Outlaws of Time. Fun!

I am going… nowhere today.  Just what I like.

I am wondering… what’s for breakfast?

I am reading… Pieper’s Leisure: The Basis of Culture aloud to Jason some evenings. It’s fun to have something we’re working on together without the chldren.

I am hoping… to have a better week of school. We’ve a lot to get done!

I am learning… to breathe, relax, repent, start over.

In my kitchen… tonight we’re having baked potatoes, brussles sprouts, and grilling steak. Yum.

In my garden… lalalalalala

In the homeschool… this is the final week before the Homeschool Showcase at church. Need to polish those poems and the music for Saturday.

A favorite quote for today…

A peek into one of my days… This is actually more than a week old, but here are M-girl and N-boy’s organ recital pieces. I have a new YouTube channel where I moved all my old scopes (all 9) and can put children’s music performaces.

One of my favorite things… Having kids who read. R-girl is reading Ramona Quimby, Age 8. Again. Hoping she isn’t getting any ideas …

From the board room… I enjoy Myers Briggs (MBTI) and pin a lot about INFJ (me) INTJ (Jason) and general types on this board which is one of my most popular:

Post Script… My friend Amy from Busy Boys Brigade along with some of her friends hosts a Homeschool Linkup every Monday called Homeschool Nook. If you have homeschool posts, check it out!

Linking up with The Simple Woman.


  1. Hi Dawn! Thanks for sharing your thoughts this morning…I've been feeling in a slump too with teaching online. I've been just wanting to focus on homemaking and taking care of Baby H but teaching is taking up a lot of my time and energy. At the end of the day, I'm lucky if I feel like I can make dinner, let alone take care of chores. I was thinking that it will be easier once the summer comes and once I'm able to just be a mama and wife. But your post is helping me to realize that we all get in slumps no matter what stage of life we're in and we all need the Lord's strength to commit to the tasks He's given us to do each day. Thanks for blogging this morning!

    1. Pregnancy wears you out too! Your body is working so hard! Rest and give yourself reasonable expectations. I was pregnancy 2x when I had babies and a toddler, it is so tiring. I napped every day for years.

      This isn't to say ignore your duties & responsibilities, but make sure you apply yourself to what must be done and don't mourn the extras. It's a season. ❤

      Thanks for your comment, BTW. Im glad my post encouraged you!

  2. Enjoyed reading your daybook today! I'm learning to breathe, relax, repent and start over too. Wonderful for everyday. Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a simply wonderful week.

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