The Simple Woman’s Daybook for Christmas Week!

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for Christmas Week!

For Today… December 25, 2015 … The Monday before Christmas Outside my window…. it’s rainy and dreary.  The sun isn’t entirely up yet, I think. I am thinking… about wrapping presents. I am thankful… I finished shopping on Saturday, with three gifts to come from Amazon. I am wearing… pajamas. Kids are still abed. I…

Yuletide Session 2015

Yuletide Session 2015

Every year I overplan. Officially, this is our break time. I still want to do something after a devotional, beautiful vein. And math. Oh, wait, math is beautiful too. This year, I sat down with my mom and planned our “with them” outings. They’re on Mondays, which I may regret, but that was the day…