Wordless Wednesday: Trick or Treat 2016
Sirius Black? Shelob or Aragog? The Morning After

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 15, 2016
For Today… Outside my window…. is a snowy ground and a white sky. Everything looks monotone. I am thinking… that walking the dog in snow & ice sounds miserable. I’m going to have to walk the house for steps today. I am thankful… for modern medicine – antibiotics – and The Little Clinic at Kroger…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for January 4, 2016
For Today… Monday January 4, 2016 Outside my window….It’s that mix of sunny and cloudy gray where everything is a little ethereal. When I was walking the dog, there were occasional snowflakes. I am thinking… that I have too much to accomplish this week before school starts next week! I’m so glad only organ starts…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for Christmas Week!
For Today… December 25, 2015 … The Monday before Christmas Outside my window…. it’s rainy and dreary. The sun isn’t entirely up yet, I think. I am thinking… about wrapping presents. I am thankful… I finished shopping on Saturday, with three gifts to come from Amazon. I am wearing… pajamas. Kids are still abed. I…

Yuletide Session 2015
Every year I overplan. Officially, this is our break time. I still want to do something after a devotional, beautiful vein. And math. Oh, wait, math is beautiful too. This year, I sat down with my mom and planned our “with them” outings. They’re on Mondays, which I may regret, but that was the day…

Simple Woman’s Daybook for November 2, 2015
For Today… Monday November 2, 2015 … November?!? Outside my window…. it was misty when we walked but has all burned off so we have a bright blue sky and still some beautiful leaves on the trees. I am thinking… about what it means to be a royal priesthood in imitation of Christ. 1 Peter 2….

Handcrafted: Valentine’s Day Crafts
Every other Thursday, our group of homeschool friends gather together for lunch, play time, and studying art. We are a group of five families of homeschoolers from ages 12 down to a new little one expected this summer. There are 20 children currently wandering about, though. We also generally have one lady who has adopted…