The Simple Woman’s Daybook for June 29, 2015
For Today… Monday, June 29, 2015 … whoa, it’s been two months! Outside my window….it is grey, rainy, and cold at 59* F. I’d complain, but I see what those in the PNW are dealing with … I’ll take cold over too hot any day. I am thinking… about returning to regularly scheduled blogging *and* a…

Wednesdays with Words: Deliverance
There are gems to be found in a reading from Robinson Crusoe and they always surprise me and make me think. So often we think sin and affliction are inexorably tied together, one and the same. But Defoe cuts those lines so we see clearly that while our affliction may result from our sin, God’s…

Dawn and Heather Read Together: Own Your Life, Chapters 6-9
So, I’ve been slacking a little bit with reading this book. Heather has posted on Chapter 5 & 6, here. I hadn’t posted on 6 yet. Neither of us posted on Chapter 7 last week. Then we decided to start doing two chapters a week. Huh. We’ll see how that works out for us. So,…

Wednesdays with Words: Wonder-tastic
For the past several years one of the words I’ve heard at the homeschool convention is wonder. Cultivating a sense of wonder. Wondering about something. Woner as awe. Teaching children to wonder about their world. Seeing and hearing things that are wonder-ful. But, I don’t think I really picked up on the idea until I…

Wednesdays with Words: Holiday, IOWA test, and recovery perfect storm week
Oh, it’s Wednesday. So Sorry. 1) I think I’m healthy but haven’t read anything quotable. 2) I always struggle with what day it is the weeks that start with a Holiday. Oops. 3) We are crazy busy this week with IOWA testing at church, baseball, and recitals. So I forgot, but here’s the linkup. Please…

Wednesdays with Words: The Fullness Thereof
I know that this is a several week old picture and many of you have seen it on my instagram feed already, but these words continue to re-sound in my head. Possibly because it is currently the passage we’re memorizing during Circle Time, but likely because I need to hear them. The earth is the…