Wordless Wednesday: Eating Out
Hot dogs. Root beer! A special treat. Smores.
Hot dogs. Root beer! A special treat. Smores.
For Today… Monday, August 24, 2015 Outside my window….it is a gloriously beautiful morning. Not too warm, not too cool and a clear, lovely sky. I am thinking… about the school day ahead. I am thankful… for the most beautiful weekend I can remember in a long time. The weather was perfect and we had zero…
So, I did one of these posts about a month ago in July, then we went on vacation. We had a week of preparation, where we did some lessons, cleaned, and packed. We had the week of vacation itself, which was a wonderful time. We came home and had a pre-planned reset week where we…
Welcome to the one-year anniversary edition of the Wednesdays with Words linkup here at ladydusk! I can’t believe it’s been a year. I know this summer has been a bit scattered, but I’m so pleased that I’ve had the opportunity to get to know you and your reading and your books over the last 52…
For Today… Monday, August 17, 2015 Outside my window….it looks like there might be some sun shining through the cracks in the blinds. I haven’t really looked, yet. I suspect it’s going to be another hot day. I am thinking… about what it will be like to have only two children for the next couple of…
You probably know that I was on vacation with no internet last week because Anna did a fabulous job hosting Wednesdays With Words from her new (beautiful) internet home Little Drops of Water. We were on a Disney cruise. A generous gift. It was wonderful and relaxing, and frankly I didn’t think about the post…
As many of you who have followed our story know, we changed from straddling the fence between a WTM and Charlotte Mason style of education to CM-only, using the AmblesideOnline curriculum. It was a big change, and it was a good one. Because my children were older, I thought they could use some help seeing…
For Today… Outside my window….it is kinda cloudy and gray. I see some shimmers of sun in the clouds though. I am thinking… about my new eBook … I hope to release it this week![eep!] Hey, I published it on Tuesday! Yay! I am thankful… for an amazing vacation. It’s good to be back to civilization…
Don’t forget to head over to Anna’s for Wednesdays with Words this week. Love you all!