Parents Practicum at Home
Classical Conversations hosts their Parent Practicums each summer. They’ve always looked intriguing. Heidi at Mt. Hope Chronicles posted her notes from her presentations at Practicum and I enjoyed going through the links, quotes, and video presentations she posted. Well worth my time, perhaps you might enjoy it too? Part 1 (Basic Overview: Classical Education and…

Weekly Report for August 5-9, 2013
Another solid five days of school. We accomplished a good bit of what I wanted to, although today was a race to the finish. Next week we’ll only have three days, M-girl and N-boy are going to their grandparents’ for a few days. R-girl gets to be an only child 🙂 We did a solid…

Wordy Wednesday: Wonder and Trust
I’ve continued with Pilgrim at Tinker Creek and on the theme of being. Self-consciousness, however, does hinder the experience of the present. It is the one instrument that unplugs all the rest. So long as I lose myself in a tree, say, I can scent its leafy breath or estimate its board feet of lumber,…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for August 5, 2013
FOR TODAY Outside my window… it’s getting dark and the weather is wonderful. Open windows in August!I am thinking… about tomorrow’s school day.I am thankful… for our town. I really love living here and all the fun things that are available to do.In the kitchen… M-girl is planning tomorrow night’s dinner – Grilled Chicken with…

Weekly Report for July 29-August 2, 2013
Ah. There’s nothing like a full five day week of lessons to continue in the swing of things. We did Circle Time five days (I plan for four in a week). We accomplished all the work I had planned (well, as of this writing M-girl still has a chapter of Anne of Green Gables to…

Wordy Wednesday: Artificial Obvious
I’m reading Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard (for the time being, we’ll see how long I stick with it). I can’t decide whether I like it or I find it pretentious (which will probably determine how long I stick with it). I do like this section, so post it here: If I can’t…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for July 29, 2013
FOR TODAY Outside my window… it feels like September.I am thinking… about school starting in 10 minutes.I am thankful… that we’re getting back on our regular schedule after the past couple of months.In the kitchen… I cleaned it up this morning. The dishwasher needs run.I am wearing… jeans (in July! Unheard of!) and a purple…