Revel in Humanity
Jesus became human. Think about that for a minute. Jesus, eternal creator and sustainer of all things. Eternally begotten, all power, all glory, all love from the Father, became a human. Now, I’m Reformed in soteriology. And I fully believe man is Totally Depraved. I believe that the fall was an actual event in history…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for December 28, 2015
For Today… the final Monday of 2015 Outside my window…. it is grey and dreary. rainy, blah. I am thinking… about how much fun my kids and I have had playing games today. I almost won at air hockey, but N-boy came back to steal victory. I am thankful… that we don’t have anywhere to…

Wednesdays with Words: Evermore and evermore!
I love Christmas carols. I love esoteric, uncommon Christmas Carols. A year ago for WwW, I shared ‘Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming.’ The third verse. I’m glad I checked, because it’s the one I almost shared again. Earlier in this Yuletide Season, I shared my favorite hymn which happens to be an Advent hymn:…

Wordless Wednesday More Yuletide Session (in reverse order) … with words
Needing homemade playdough for 3yo cousin’s gift. Pretzles, kisses or hugs, and m&ms. What could go wrong .. and all kid done! Woohoo! Mama & Papa’s tree … they use stuffed animals that play music. All the children love to play them. N-boy in top hat at millenry; R-girl stringing popcorn and cranberries in schoolhouse;…

2015 Children’s Christmas Ornament
Way back in November I posted about my tradition of making an Annual Ornament for the children as a non-crafty mom. It even comes with a video that I recorded. I thought I’d share the ornament I made for 2015. And they’re on the tree before Christmas – win! First, you should know that my…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for Christmas Week!
For Today… December 25, 2015 … The Monday before Christmas Outside my window…. it’s rainy and dreary. The sun isn’t entirely up yet, I think. I am thinking… about wrapping presents. I am thankful… I finished shopping on Saturday, with three gifts to come from Amazon. I am wearing… pajamas. Kids are still abed. I…

2016 Word of the Year
In 2015, I chose *revel* as my word of the year. I chose the word on a whim, designed a graphic, and wrote the post. It’s been a fantastic year. I’ve learned a lot about reveling – from Candace, Karen, Jennifer, and Mystie who wrote fantastic guest posts on the topic. I learned a lot…

Wednesdays With Words: Joy
Our pastor is preaching through Philippians and is in Philippians 2 where Paul is asking that they “Make his joy complete.” As he preached on Joy, he quoted Lewis from Surprised by Joy (which I haven’t read.) I loved the quote. M-girl loved the quote, so I share it with you today. Wishing you shards…

Wordless Wednesday: Yuletide Session Part II
OK, a few words: 15 Years with my love!