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The first good news on the stock market in a while was the appeals court in the Microsoft case overturned part of the lower court ruling and sent it back to a different judge because the first judge mishandled the trial. That, and the Fed cutting interest rates.

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Actually, Jason sent this article to me, but it was too awesome for me not to take note of! Datish is the newest verbal committment to Tressel’s first real recruiting class – a nationally recruited Offensive Lineman (and boy do we need those!), and he had this to say: “I wasn’t going to go to…

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OK, so its not quite Ban Knives! But a parody at NRO wants us to: Ban Bathtubs! I think one could easily exchange the word “guns” for “bathtubs” in the NRO piece, and many people would have no problem with it. I also want to point you to the opposing view. I don’t mean to…

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Clean-up day. I changed a few links, deleted a few, added a few, and in general republished more times than I should’ve. And I found out that there are a bunch of “Grace Presbyterian Churches” out there – and several of them are in the OPC.

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I finished Christians in a .com World this week. It ended up pretty well. The first part would be good for anyone not familiar with the ‘net or who was vaguely familiar. I’m glad I read it, though I found it pretty dull, because it helped to put a historical context around events and information…

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For those of you who don’t know, I’m the COBRA Administrator for my company. This means I work with people who are no longer employees (and often aren’t happy about it). No big thing, you learn to deal with it, but I got this call today from another HR person in my company: “Why didn’t…