Wednesdays with Words: Resounding all the Day

Near holidays, hymnody becomes the words I hear resounding (re-sounding?) in my head.
At Christmastime, I have posted from hymns like “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” or “Evermore and Evermore” or “Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming.”
Hymns have been an important part of our educational endeavors over the years during Circle Time; perhaps one of the most successful parts.
AmblesideOnline schedules hymns as part of their curriculum and the March hymn was one we had learned before – Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven – so I needed to find something else. I think they must have used to keep the old hymn lists up on their page, and I found this one – My Song is Love Unknown – one I didn’t know and scheduled it. And I love it.

It is just perfect for this week between Palm Sunday and Easter. We sing about the fickleness of the crowd … and we ourselves. The tune is metered perfectly. The first half of the verse is six beats for each line. There’s no rush, Then, suddenly, we speed up with four beats as “Crucify” becomes all our breath.
And that “”Crucify!” is all their breath” all our breath is from God breathing into his creature and we use it against him. And our misuse is all consuming … it’s all our breath.
Yes, this song has been resounding all the days.
Dawn this is so lovely! Thank you for all you do.
Thanks for linking in. I love your word for the year and the way you explicate it. <3