The Simple Woman’s Daybook for January 18, 2016
For Today… Monday, January 18
Outside my window…. it is a frigid 3* this morning. It is cold and gray and a wonderful day to stay inside.
I am thinking… about God as Father.
I am thankful… that I was able to get so much accomplished on Saturday, a rare day with no outside committments scheduled.
I am wearing… corduroys and a turtleneck sweater. Did I mention that it’s cold?
I am creating… our Annual Report for Women of Grace. Or, I should stop procrastinating on doing so.
I am going… to my CM Group tonight! I have even done my homework already. Yay!
I am wondering… how I’m going to get my steps in today.
I am reading… Awakening Wonder by Stephen Turley. It is a challenging read. I’m reading it with a Voxer group and that helps.
I am hoping… my aggressive agenda for the week isn’t too aggressive.
I am learning… about Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in the Platonic and then Christian world. I’m telling you, Awakening Wonder is overwhelming to the mind.
In my kitchen… crockpot lasagna tonight.
In my garden… is ice and a dusting of snow.
In the homeschool… we’ll watch a Latin lesson today.
A favorite quote for today… ‘When Jesus made these petitions, his prayerswere answered. God’s name was hallowed, his kingdom has come, and his will is being done. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God the Father forgives our debts and delivers us from the Evil One.’ Philip Graham Ryken, When You Pray pg 49
A peek into one of my days… watching a movie with Jason. He’s trouble, I tell you.

One of my favorite things… my three kiddos are all sitting quietly on the couch reading away. M-girl is reading 100 Cupboards, N-boy The King’s Gambit, and R-girl our recently finished readaloud, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
From the board room… Oh, is it a problem that I have a planning, an organization, and a bullet journal board? Here’s the planning one:
Post Script… My friend Amy Milcic hosts “Rock Your Homeschool” on Periscope every weekday morning at 8am EST. I am not a bubbly person, but she is and she laughs and jokes and cheers me up first thing. She blogs at Busy Boys Brigade. On Mondays, she and a friend host the Homeschool Nook, a linkup to share homeschool ideas and encouragement.
Linking up with The Simple Woman.
Cute photo! 🙂
Thanks 🙂
Mmmmm crockpot lasagna, I need to make this! Have a great week!
You do It's so eay and yummy!
You, too!
Oohh I love your photo. True Love hmmm….
Only thing better's a nice MLT, mutton lettuce and tomato sandwich when the mutton is nice and lean …
Yeah, I only got halfway through Awakening Wonder. It would be nice to discuss it with others.
Chapter two about did me in, but I took some notes and drew some pictures; that helped. I started Chapter 3 this morning.