The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 6, 2017
For Today…

Looking out my window … it’s still dark. I’ve been getting up early and while I hate mornings, it has been a good practice in many ways.
I am thinking … about some posts that I’d like to actually write – a post about }pacify{, and planning, and pre-reading.
I am thankful … for wisdom of friends from afar and this medium of blogging and the internet. They have challenged me and helped me grow in so many ways.
One of my favorite things … I’ve been trying out the Kroger ClickList – where you order your groceries online and someone else does the shopping for you? I was suspicious because I do prefer to select my own produce and meat, but so far they’ve done a good job and my time making my grocery list is the time I shop for it. The efficiency is great. There have been things that weren’t available or substitutions that were not to my preference, but I didn’t check the no substitutions box so … Overall, it saves me time and whiney children, so winning!
I am wearing … pajamas, but soon a teal top and jeans because R-girl has her second orthodontist appointment at 9.
I am creating … posts about hobbies. My friend Kelly and I have decided that my hobby might be having hobbies.
I am reading my kid’s school books. Ahead of time. It’s wonderful.
I am hoping … to keep that habit in practice. It has been so beneficial so far.
I am learning … how my preparation improves lessons and school days.
In my kitchen … breakfast for dinner tonight. M-girl says she doesn’t know how to make pancakes. Guess what she’s doing?
In the school room … sometime this week, we’ll watch this video about Gregorian Chant recommended by my friend. I watched it Saturday and think it will be helpful!
Post Script … Mystie has a coupon for the Simplified Dinners books right now. These charts help you make variations on a theme and are great for beginner cooks or busy moms. She has books for breakfast, lunch, snacks, dietary restrictions, and new cooks. You can get $3 off Simplified Dinners (any version) with code ‘February’ or $5 off the Simplified Pantry Collection with the code ‘YesYouCan’ if you order by Feb 14. I’m not an affiliate, just sharing a helpful resource and a good price.
Shared Quote … from my prereading. Warren G Harding 100 years ago: “America’s present need is not heroics, but healing: not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity. The world needs to be reminded that all human ills are not curable by legislation, and that quantity of statutory enactment and excess of government offer no substitute for quality of citizenship.”
What goes around comes around.
A moment from my day … M-girl and I were in the nursery last night. How did she get this big and capable. Her online babysitting class told her to write a resume, so she did. I don’t know if I’m ready for this …

Closing Notes: I’m planning to take Brandy’s Charlotte Mason Bootcamp class … will you be joining us? (also, not an affiliate …)

Linking up with The Simple Woman.
I have been pondering the shopper assist at our local grocery store (Meijer). It would sure save me some time, and most importantly, the impulse buys when I go grocery shopping! Hope you have a great week!!
Kroger does 3 free orders to hook you – I'm on my third and I'm hooked!
I enjoyed your post but not sure I could turn my shopping over to someone, I don't even like to let my hubby shop for me lol
I agree, but during this season, it's so very helpful. Thanks for stopping by.
Re: the bootcamp… One of the reasons I keep considering AO is all the online support! The forum dedicated to the curriculum. Tons of blogs. Tons of e-books. Conferences. I think my philosophy aligns more with SWB's, but the support for WTM just isn't there. I guess because it's more philosophy and less of a specific curriculum (more choices), but I sure wish I could find support for WTM like I see for AO. I think that's why I'm constantly wavering.
I do very much appreciate the online support – but I have local, in person support too. AO would say that they work out a philosophy and the books work within that framework – that it is only a CM education if you submit your teaching to her philosophy.
That's an interesting video of chant. I recommend checking out the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. Their music is one that I listen to while I work — it's simple, beautiful, and meditative. They sell recordings and CD's to raise money for their convent.
Thanks, Jen, AO actually makes recommendations so we're stickin with those but I appreciate the suggestion.
I wish there wasn't such an emphasis on Mary in all of the medieval music. While I wonder if protestants have over-corrected on her, the saturation of the period makes me think not.
I'm continuing my education through pre-reading as well:) I hope you do write more on pre-reading – I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.
That President Harding quote is so applicable today! I am visiting from Peggy's I invite you to visit my daybook at Harvest Lane Cottage.