flotsam & jetsam
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flotsam & jetsam

I thought I’d add a new regular feature here at ladydusk thinking through the things that have come to the surface over the past week (or so). I’ve often enjoyed those amalgamation posts where small thoughts are gathered and smooshed. I almost called the feature ‘small thoughts,’ but decided to go with flotsam and jetsam…



Nearly all I now about keeping is from Laurie Bestvater’s book, The Living Page. If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to do so as soon as you can. She has done a yeoman’s work and served the CM community well with that work. There are, in that book, many practices. Many are flexible….

Scaffolding is Life

Scaffolding is Life

We ended the last post in the series with, “Good habits matter to the life of ideas.” Mason’s third is tool: “Education is a life. In saying that “education is a life,” the need of intellectual and moral as well as of physical sustenance is implied. The mind feeds on ideas, and therefore children should have…

Scaffolding is Discipline

Scaffolding is Discipline

Scaffolding also utilizes the discipline of habit. Scaffolding is evenly spaced, carefully layered, intentionally constructed. Mason’s habit-building is so done, too. Mason says, By “education is a discipline,” we mean the discipline of habits, formed definitely and thoughtfully, whether habits of mind or body. Physiologists tell us of the adaptation of brain structures to habitual…