Podcast Addicted: Your Morning Basket

As education podcasts go, Your Morning Basket is so helpful.
We’ve done Circle Time in our homeschool for years and years. This past fall and now early winter have been our best times yet, and as I’ve been thinking about it, part of it is my easing back on expectations and being more flexible besides.
That is directly attributable to Pam’s podcast which I’ve listened to since its beginning.
Her ability, as I mentioned before, to ask excellent questions of her guests and drill down the philosophy and mine for the practical detail is helpful. I like that she has interviewed leaders in the homeschool curriculum movement like Dr. Perrin and Andrew Pudewa and homeschoolers like Cindy Rollins and Sarah Mackenzie for practical day-to-day how to’s for how best to create the four Rs (and you’ll have to listen to find those out) of this incredibly important time of the homeschool day have helped give me confidence in our Circle Time. And encouragement to stay the course.
As I mentioned the other day, I am so thankful for Pam’s insistence on Circle Time – or whatever you want to call it – being a search for Truth, Goodness, and Beauty and building family culture in that search.
My very favorite individual podcast episode is in this show, and that is her interview with Sonya Shafer from Simply Charlotte Mason about Narration. I have struggled with narration as we’ve transitioned to a Charlotte Mason philosophy as it is very different from what we were doing before. Shafer explained and gave so many variations and details on CM Narration that this is an episode I will return to over and over.
If you haven’t checked out Your Morning Basket, I encourage you to do so. Pam offers not only the podcast, but a guide including an ebook and many helpful aids for planning a Circle Time where an atmosphere of loving and learning together is emphasized.
I really liked the episode with Shafer, too! I've said that I get at least ONE practical piece of advice from YMB podcast. SO many great ideas there!
Love this series, Dawn!
At least one, for sure. Thanks for the encouragement, Catie! I love getting comments so I know I'm not writing to the void 🙂