The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 11, 2013

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 11, 2013

FOR TODAY Outside my window… it’s sunny and warm-ish.   I am thinking… we’ll do Circle Time then go to the zoo! We haven‘t been in ages … I am thankful… for our zoo membership, we should use it more!In the kitchen… sits the cooler from yesterday.   Packing food for the drive home after evening service…

Book Review: The Mighty Acts of God by Starr Meade (Family Read Aloud)

Mighty Acts Of God: A Family Bible Story Book by Starr Meade My rating: 4 of 5 stars Own. Probably should be 3.5 stars. We read this story Bible for family devotions.  The stories were well selected and gathered.  They were written at a level the children could understand without talking down to them.  Sometimes…

Curriculum Review: A Child’s Geography vol 1 by Ann Voskamp

A Childs Geography Explore His Earth by Ann Voskamp My rating: 4 of 5 stars Own.  We completed Ann Voskamp’s A Child’s Geography volume 1 last week. We weren’t very consistent reading it, and finished it in less than a year.  There are only 11 chapters, with several divisions each, so a focused study could…

Circle Time Monday for February 4, 2013

Memory Work for the week of … February 4, 2013 Bible: continuing in Philippians 2.  Adding verses 12-13. Catechism/Creed:  A new month and we switch to The Apostle’s Creed.  M-girl continues her 4 page per day review, N-boy is working on the questions regarding Baptism, R-girl continues on the 3rd and 4th Commandments.  Hymn:  We’re…