The Simple Woman’s Daybook for December 23, 2013
FOR TODAY two days before Christmas … Outside my window… it is cold and dark.I am thinking…about M-girl and her nasty cold.I am thankful…that she was able to get antibiotic eyedrops for her double conjunctivitis.In the kitchen… I should be making dinner, chex mix, and pretzel kisses. Instead, I am not. ETA: Jason just got…

Wordy Wednesday: Obscure Antecedents
I finally finished Wolf Hall, but thought I’d share quotes one last week 🙂 He will never tell the cardinal about Mary Boleyn, though the impulse will arise. Wolsey might laugh, he might be scandalized. He has to smuggle him the content, without the context. (pg 124) —————————– He has never told anyone this story. …
Book Review: A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg
A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg My rating: 2 of 5 stars Own. But probably not for long. This was a simple, easy read. It was sensational (view spoiler)[he recovers from emphysema! (hide spoiler)], emotional (view spoiler)[the little girl sees her dead bird friend! (hide spoiler)], and led the reader by the nose (view spoiler)[he…

“Most” of 2013
I had thought I wouldn’t do this since I live in quite the backwater of blogdom, but then Mystie and Brandy went through and found their top five and curiosity got the better of me. Ah, the peer pressure. Post with the most clicks Thanks mostly to Mystie for linking my post Academic Year 2013:…
Book Review: Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel
Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel My rating: 4 of 5 stars Library. Finally. The story of someone’s life, even in a work of historical fiction like this, doesn’t generally quite have the same plot structure where we build to a climax and fall to the conclusion. This book almost did. It was the story of…
Recap Sermon Tuesday
Way, way back in October, I wrote about wanting to think back and write about the sermon I heard the Sunday previously. I’ve thought about it since then, but not accomplished it. This past Sunday’s sermon made me even more desirous to spend time doing this, so here goes … The Life of the Baptized…
Annual Ornament
Each year I make the kids an ornament for the Christmas tree. I’m thrilled with how this year’s ornament turned out.