Wednesdays with Words: Hallowing His Holy Ones
A couple of weeks ago, I posted in my Daybook this quote from When You Pray, “We cannot hallow God until God hallows us.” I’ve been reading When You Pray by Philip Graham Ryken for a month or two now and very much enjoying it. I’m finding it very helpful in my own praying of the…

Podcast Addicted: The Homeschool Snapshots Podcast
This series isn’t a countown. I’m just planning on sharing my favorite podcasts. As a home educator, most of them are directly about homeschooling, and I’m going to do the education ones first. That being said, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Homeschool Snapshosts is my favorite. I think it’s because I’m inherently…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 15, 2016
For Today… Outside my window…. is a snowy ground and a white sky. Everything looks monotone. I am thinking… that walking the dog in snow & ice sounds miserable. I’m going to have to walk the house for steps today. I am thankful… for modern medicine – antibiotics – and The Little Clinic at Kroger…

Focus and Align: Rule of Six
One of the assignments from the Read Aloud Revival‘s Master Class Focus and Align (available through membership) was to determine your overarching “this is what we do daily” Rule of Six. I’m still mulling, but here’s a first stab. It is based on my Words of the Year from 2015 and 2016 bookending the “Four Ws”…

Podcast Addicted: Intro Post
In the fall we got this crazy dog. He’s a plott hound, around 2 years old, and has severe separation anxiety. Well, he seems to be getting better, but in the first couple of weeks he broke out of a series of crates and ate my Bible, love seat, and front blinds. Yeah. He does…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 8, 2016
For Today… February 8, 2016 Outside my window…. it’s dark but the first edges of sun are peeping about the horizon. I am thinking… about the myriad things I need to do today. I should work in my bullet journal to straighten out my thoughts. I am thankful… for another year with family and friends…

Our Weekly Amble for February 1-5, 2016
Despite N-boy’s sickness, we had a pretty good week. I think there are several reasons for this. The first is that for my personal weekly goals I included “Play two games with each child this week. They can overlap.” Because I put it on my week’s to-do list, I gave myself permission to play games….