Wednesdays with Words: Vital Hold
You know how sometimes when you start considering an ideas, it starts to show up in all sorts of places. What is the place of generalization as we educate our children in the 21st Century? What is the place of specialization? So many educators – of the homeschool and school variety – are enamored by…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for May 16, 2016
For Today… Looking out my window … the sun is brightly glowing through the blinds right into my eyes. I am thinking … about suffering graciously even when suffering needlessly and how that follows being mindful of, conscious of, our Lord’s example. Thankful for 1 Peter’s direction. I am thankful … excellent preaching and teaching on…

Wednesdays with Words: Pass and Punt
I’ve never read To Kill a Mockingbird. I started it Friday night after buying it on First Friday. I didn’t get far, but I loved what I started and have been thinking about it. Waiting for dinner, we all have new books … The first paragraph spoke to me, from the rich language to the…

So you think you want to homeschool
When I found out about homeschooling, I was shocked. Then I watched and thought and was intrigued. Then I decided that it was what I wanted to do. Then I fell in love with and married a man who was all for homeschooling our future family. Then we had a baby (and two more). I…

Podcast Addicted: Kid Podcasts?
Last week, I shared that my children really enjoy the Melody, Mystery, and Mayhem podcast from TruthBeautyGoodness.net. The older two enjoy the Classics for Kids all about Classical music, it’s composers, and styles. They’re short, 6 minute podcasts and quite well done. I’d love for you to tell me what podcasts your children enjoy. Please,…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for May (MAY!?!) 2, 2016
For Today… Outside my window…. it’s that glowy kind of stormy dark sky that I love. I am thinking… about the RAR webinar on Shakespeare I’m about to join. I am thankful… for all the work of the RAR peeps to put these events on. I am wearing… Buckeye pajamas. I am creating… lists. Lots…

Our Weekly Amble for April 25-29, 2016
It’s been a while since I’ve written about Our Weekly Amble. While it’s one of my favorite posts to write, sometimes when I get to the weekend things are moving too fast and I’m too tired to get it written. We had a good week this week. Back to Circle Time – which I’ve decided…