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We’re studying 1 John right now at Bible Study and really digging into confession and what it is and means in our lives and in our relationships with Christ. They say confession is good for the soul, but it seems to be so much more. One of the passages we linked to was in James…

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I was driving to work this morning and one of my favorite Rich Mullins songs was on the radio – “If I Stand.” It is a song about how the earth is not our home and we stand firmly upon God’s grace – which was what brought us to Him in the first place. I…

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Well, it has been a while, hasn’t it. Last night we got some books from Amazon. One of them was the new Mary Higgins Clark book On the Street Where You Live. I’ve been a huge fan of MHC’s since I was young and my mom read them to us when we were on trips….

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Yesterday I was afraid I’d run out of things to talk about, then as I crawled into bed, I remembered there was one other thing I wanted to comment on and post the link to. I’ve been a huge supporter (window stickers in my car and everything) of Radio-U since before they came on the…

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Well … I guess I haven’t said anything of consequence yet. I’m first having to learn how to not only use this web application but learn more about html than I’d expected. Hopefully, my darling husband Jason will help me out, but for now I’m doing homework – you’ll just have to be patient. Otherwise,…