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Yesterday, I finally finished Mere Christianity. It was quite good and certainly is a worthwhile read. I thought the section on the Trinity was the best. It showed a very real application of theology in daily life, plus used some great analogies (and I love analogies!). I still disagreed with some of his conclusions about…

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Wow, I’m pretty humbled. The folks over at DYL posted a link for my site. Of course, now that I know that people other than my husband (Jason) and my friends are reading this I should try to post on a more regular basis.

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We meandered in discussion last night at Bible Study – what to do with the summer while our leader is at camp for a month and two weeks, almost starting in on the creation/science debate and the infalliability of scripture, and I brought up my concerns about the 5 Steps of Confession that we’ve been…

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I’m still fighting my way through Mere Christianity. I’m ready to start Part IV about the Trinity. While some of it I disagree with (like when he discusses how we can lose our salvation), and some of it I don’t understand, overall I’m enjoying it. In Bible Study, we finally finished our discussion on confession….

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I haven’t been blogging much, basically because I haven’t had much to say – no deep thoughts or comments. I work in Human Resources. Mostly, that’s a good thing because it is the place in the business world where you can help people. When the economy turns down, though, sometimes you don’t help – you…

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The U2 concert was great! I know it was two days ago, but Monday it was late when we got home and yesterday was very busy, so I’m posting today. They did a fantastic job of mixing old and new music – and this time ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’ was on the set list (it is…

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U2!! U2!! U2!! Tonight, in Columbus, Ohio, I’m finally going to see U2 live !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipppeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I can’t wait. I’ve been a fan since High School – my very first date ever was to see U2 – Rattle and Hum and of the two vinyls I own – Under a Blood Red Sky is one….