Book Review: Regency Buck by Georgette Heyer

Regency Buck by Georgette Heyer Own. I’m feeling a bit sick this week, so light reading is called for.  To my mom’s treasure trove of Georgette Heyer’s Regency novels …  This may be Heyer’s attempt a book of “first impressions.”  Our heroine is trapped between the villain whose actions seem heroic (while truly being villainous)…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 25, 2011

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for April 25, 2011

FOR TODAY   Monday, April 25, 2011… Outside my window… it is raining.  A lot. I am thinking… I shouldn’t have stayed up too late last night. I am thankful for… family celebrations.  We had a great time this weekend with both families celebrating the Resurrection of the Lord. From the learning rooms… starting a new…

He is risen, indeed!

Up from the Grave He Arose!   1. Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my Savior, waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord! Refrain: Up from the grave he arose; with a mighty triumph o’er his foes; he arose a victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever, with his saints to reign….

Notes from Midwest Homeschool Conference II

I mentioned that Dr. Perrin’s lectures were among my favorites. That is understating the case, far understating.  While I very much was encouraged by Martin Cothran’s lectures and others, Dr. Perrin’s lectures were the ones I needed to hear over the course of the weekend. Dr. Perrin, publisher of Classical Academic Press, did present two…