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Life in prison, no parole for the first of the Embassy bombers. I understand the “no martyr” argument. I don’t understand how continuing to live can be worse than death (but I suppose my view presupposes the existence of “hell”).

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Remind me never to live in California. There are so many things wrong with the pieces of legislation discussed in this article, I don’t know where to begin. I think I’ll just say that my hair is longer than 2-1/2 inches.

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A teacher took a child’s Pokemon cards. The boy was so upset and claimed that he was “picked on by teachers and was contemplating suicide.” Over Pokemon Cards?? His family was eventually forced to change his school because he was expelled after his mother and the head teacher wrangled as far as racial harrassment charges….

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Is owning guns a logical way to provide defense for yourself or your family? The last line of the article wonders what she’ll be charged with. I know it took place in South Africa, but should she be charged at all? If the man had lived and her child had died, would he be charged…

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A follow-up to a post from yesterday. Katherine Jean Lopez from NRO interviewed Chester E Finn, Jr.. Mr. Finn is a member of the board, and chairman of the education advisory committee, a blue-ribbon group of education experts from around the country for k12. When asked about the prohibitive cost of the program, he responded:…