Wordy Wednesday: A Job’s Worth
We’re starting back up with read alouds at dinner. We’ve been reading The Christian Almanac and our family devotion regularly during baseball and soccer season, but it’s good to delve back into a book. We chose Man of the Family by Ralph Moody. It’s the sequel to Little Britches, a book we all loved. I imagine many of my Wednesday quotes for a while will come from it.
Yes, I know it’s Thursday. Sorry ’bout that. Yesterday seemed like Tuesday all day long, I lost a day somewhere this week.
Mr. Nutting had already started to put his foot up onto the carriage step, but he turned back to me, and said, ‘I usually figure what a job’s worth before I tackle it. Didn’t you figure that one?’
Before I even thought, I said, ‘Yes, sir.’
‘All right, what was the figure?’ he asked me.
For a second or two I looked down at the carriage hub; then I looked up at Mr. Nutting, and said, ‘Four dollars.’
‘That’s the way to do business,’ he said, as he put the gold piece back and picked me out four cartwheels. ‘A businessman sets a price on his time. Next time, you set a price on the job.’ Then he stepped into the buggy, picked up the reins, and clucked to his team of bays.
We already think we’re going to love this book, too.

I am hoping to get through this series this year too.
We just today finished Fields of Home. It's a little slower going, I think, than the others, but just as worthwhile in the end.