Weekly Report Week 6: 2/14/2011-2/18/2011
We had a good week (last) week. I shouldn’t have bragged about the no fighting ’cause we had some arguing about lessons … but worked through it. Friday was be-ea-utiful here, so we had a playing outside in the mud day. The kids had a great time. I had thought we might do some activities on Saturday, so saved my Weekly Report, but we never did, so I’m posting today. Belatedly.
Memory Work:
Bible: “male and female he created them.”
Catechism/Creed: We worked some more through the Nicene. Everyone started new section of catechism questions.
Hymn: We did verse 3 of Amazing Grace.
Poetry: M-girl and N-boy worked on The Swing and R-girl The Yak.
Counting: We’re counting odds this month.
Other Memory Work: We learned the types of leaves. Now we need to learn to identify them …
N-boy: He’s moving happily along. He finished section 12. He is reading all the time, everything.
R-girl: she’s still working on -at, -am, and -an words. She pays good attention to the first two letters, it’s that last letter that she has a hard time remembering to look at. We use magnet letters on a cookie sheet and she loves that.
Assigned Reading:
M-girl: [sigh] But she’s read an abridged Heidi a few times …
N-boy: did I mention he’s reading anything he can get his hands on?
M-girl: She finished the first half of MEP1! Hooray!
N-boy: He’s working on adding to 5s still and doing a great job.
R-girl: we didn’t do any MEP, but she is counting up a storm … to 60 or 70 easily. She sometimes gets confused at the tens transitions, but she does a nice job 🙂
M-girl: she didn’t do any this week. I didn’t pull together any of her individual work.
N-boy: he’s continuing on his Mindbender Warm-Ups, one a day, and doing really well with them. I need to work on having him answer after only one reading.
M-girl: She has her “State of Being Verbs” down pat. And we made a chain “Vanilla is my favorite.”
N-boy: He’s working through common and proper nouns. His drawing narrating The Mouse and the Lion is classic:

M-girl: She had her first copywork from her own sentence this week. She still doesn’t like copywork, but her writing is so much better than she did at the beginning of the year.
M-girl: she did three Spelling Power lists, and had no words to correct on the last list. SP is working so well for her even without the card assignments. I do hope to add them some day.
M-girl: She did lesson five last week. She really likes Latin and is doing well with it.
M-girl: not a favorite, but she practiced ‘qu’ last week in cursive.
N-boy: he’s finished working on 2s.
We read the chapter on pyramid building from SOTW and started Pyramid by David MacAulay and I love it.
Spanish: Not started yet.
We read more about seeds. I had wanted to do the Great Backyard Bird Count this past weekend but forgot.
Read Alouds:
Stuart Little, Fifty Famous Stories Retold, Mr. Popper’s Penguins, good stuff.
We studied about Enoch, following in the Line of Promise compared with Lamech, following in the line of sin. It was a really good compare/contrast. The children love the Psalms in this curriculum; I hear them singing them around the house. Good stuff!
We’re reading about Elijah in the Vos Story Bible and having much to discuss. Last night we talked about how Ahaziah (from Israel) married Ahab and Jezebel’s daughter and the importance of 1) marrying Godly spouse and 2) being a person a Godly person would want to marry. Wonderful discussion.
We've always enjoyed David MacAulay's books- Eric & the children both love to look over them at naptime. 🙂
We're also reading Stuart Little. It's a hit! I also see the guessing on the last letter in my emergent reader… I keep hearing that it's normal, but it gets pretty frustrating sometimes!