Weekly Report: 2/1/10-2/5/10
Getting into a rhythm. We had a pretty good week.
Memory Work: I thought I’d share our Memory Work binder with you for this week. I adapted the idea from Simply Charlotte Mason. Some others have done similar ideas, like Mnemosyne.
I took a binder. I used these page dividers:
Table of Contents
Odd Dates
Even Dates
1-31 divided tabs.
Bible Verses
Poetry (this is for other poetry than Linguistic Development, like from First Language Lessons)
Blank tab for expansion 🙂
I used a big metal clip to clip my Linguistic Development book to the inside front cover and our Daily Routine page (which I had laminated) to the outside front cover.

Then, I made a page where I put reference information behind the tabs for each pupil. Hm, let me give an example:

This is our current Odd Dates Page. It refers me to the Children’s Catechism number, the Verse reference, the Poem, the hymn to work on on odd dates, and who is working on what. Then I can flip to the right tab and find what that number references. This way I have one notebook with all the memory work for all the children. Since I turn to the catechism page every day, I do have flags at the right page.

This helps us keep it all together, regularly practice so as not to lose our memory work (almost everything will get hit most months).
We also use this during our Weekly Recitation; if for some reason I can’t be there, Jason can figure out quickly and easily what the children should recite for him. This week, we’re going to add presenting some of what we’ve learned in Geography and Grammar. Maybe have N-boy read a Bob Book. Eventually, we’ll add Spanish Memory Work and activities.
My plan is that if we have these regular, family presentations (and posters, lapbooks, etc. to present at them) pulling together an end of year open house/recitation night will be easier. We shall see 🙂
I thought instead of listing all our weekly work, I’d show you my Week at a Glance sheet. We did not accomplish the science this week We did playdough on Monday, but no paper snowflakes today (we got a sufficiency of real ones).
And no Weekly Report would be complete without a picture of the children:

Ooh, I love planning and organization! Thanks for sharing!!
Very impressive organization.
I love the notebook and the planner! Oh, and the kids are cute, too!
Thanks for sharing your memory work. I am planning to use an adaption of the simply cm memory work next year, so it was nice to see yours.
Great binder!